23 research outputs found

    Can we rely on smartphone applications?

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    Smartphones are becoming necessary tools in the daily lives of millions of users who rely on these devices and their applications. There are thousands of applications for smartphone devices such as the iPhone, Blackberry, and Android, thus their reliability has become paramount for their users. This work aims to answer two related questions: (1) Can we assess the reliability of mobile applications by using the traditional reliability models? (2) Can we model adequately the failure data collected from many users? Firstly, it has been proved that the three most used software reliability models have fallen short of the mark when applied to smartphone applications; their failures were traced back to specific features of mobile applications. Secondly, it has been demonstrated that the Weibull and Gamma distribution models can adequately fit the observed failure data, thus providing better means to predict the reliability of smartphone applications

    A Novel Rank Aggregation-Based Hybrid Multifilter Wrapper Feature Selection Method in Software Defect Prediction

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    The high dimensionality of software metric features has long been noted as a data quality problem that affects the performance of software defect prediction (SDP) models. This drawback makes it necessary to apply feature selection (FS) algorithm(s) in SDP processes. FS approaches can be categorized into three types, namely, filter FS (FFS), wrapper FS (WFS), and hybrid FS (HFS). HFS has been established as superior because it combines the strength of both FFS and WFS methods. However, selecting the most appropriate FFS (filter rank selection problem) for HFS is a challenge because the performance of FFS methods depends on the choice of datasets and classifiers. In addition, the local optima stagnation and high computational costs of WFS due to large search spaces are inherited by the HFS method. Therefore, as a solution, this study proposes a novel rank aggregation-based hybrid multifilter wrapper feature selection (RAHMFWFS) method for the selection of relevant and irredundant features from software defect datasets. The proposed RAHMFWFS is divided into two stepwise stages. The first stage involves a rank aggregation-based multifilter feature selection (RMFFS) method that addresses the filter rank selection problem by aggregating individual rank lists from multiple filter methods, using a novel rank aggregation method to generate a single, robust, and non-disjoint rank list. In the second stage, the aggregated ranked features are further preprocessed by an enhanced wrapper feature selection (EWFS) method based on a dynamic reranking strategy that is used to guide the feature subset selection process of the HFS method. This, in turn, reduces the number of evaluation cycles while amplifying or maintaining its prediction performance. The feasibility of the proposed RAHMFWFS was demonstrated on benchmarked software defect datasets with NaĂŻve Bayes and Decision Tree classifiers, based on accuracy, the area under the curve (AUC), and F-measure values. The experimental results showed the effectiveness of RAHMFWFS in addressing filter rank selection and local optima stagnation problems in HFS, as well as the ability to select optimal features from SDP datasets while maintaining or enhancing the performance of SDP models. To conclude, the proposed RAHMFWFS achieved good performance by improving the prediction performances of SDP models across the selected datasets, compared to existing state-of-the-arts HFS methods

    Learning HCI Across Institutions, Disciplines and Countries: A Field Study of Cognitive Styles in Analytical and Creative Tasks

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    Human-computer interaction (HCI) is increasingly becoming a subject taught in universities around the world. However, little is known of the interactions of the HCI curriculum with students in different types of institutions and disciplines internationally. In order to explore these interactions, we studied the performance of HCI students in design, technology and business faculties in universities in UK, India, Namibia, Mexico and China who participated in a common set of design and evaluation tasks. We obtained participants’ cognitive style profiles based on Allinson and Hayes scale in order to gain further insights into their learning styles and explore any relation between these and performance. We found participants’ cognitive style preferences to be predominantly in the adaptive range, i.e. with combined analytical and intuitive traits, compared to normative data for software engineering, psychology and design professionals. We further identified significant relations between students’ cognitive styles and performance in analytical and creative tasks of a HCI professional individual. We discuss the findings in the context of the distinct backgrounds of the students and universities that participated in this study and the value of research that explores and promotes diversity in HCI education

    Do agile managed information systems projects fail due to a lack of emotional intelligence?

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    YesAgile development methodologies (ADM) have become a widely implemented project management approach in Information Systems (IS). Yet, along with its growing popularity, the amount of concerns raised in regard to human related challenges caused by applyingADMare rapidly increasing. Nevertheless, the extant scholarly literature has neglected to identify the primary origins and reasons of these challenges. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine if these human related challenges are related to a lack of Emotional Intelligence (EI) by means of a quantitative approach. Froma sample of 194 agile practitioners, EI was found to be significantly correlated to human related challenges in agile teams in terms of anxiety, motivation, mutual trust and communication competence. Hence, these findings offer important new knowledge for IS-scholars, project managers and human resource practitioners, about the vital role of EI for staffing and training of agile managed IS-projects

    Object-Oriented Design Methodologies for Software Systems

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    [PhD Thesis] Object-Oriented Design Methodologies for Software Systems

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    Object-Oriented Design: Guidelines and Techniques

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